Department of Defence

At a Glance

There was over 1000 no steps on the site which where a mix of steel chequer plate and open mesh. A full survey was carried out and the areas split down. During a 2 week period all the treads and landing covers were installed. Alterations could be easily made on site.
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Department of Defence


The client was experiencing severe problems with slippery steps, there had been a number of incidents and there was an urgent need to find a solution.


After seeking a number of slip resistant solutions for the steps, including anti-slip paint, it was confirmed that Relinea’s GRP Stair Tread Covers offered the highest degree of slip resistance, and additionally granted long term durability with a design life of over 20 years – even in heavily trafficked areas. As far as the client was concerned, other systems could not compete with this.

Furthermore, there was very little preparation on the required substrate, as our stair tread covers come as a moulded product that is mechanically fixed onto the substrate. This prevented any issue with bonds failing which can occur on painted systems. Additionally, Relinea’s GRP stair tread covers have some structural strength so can deal with small deviations in the substrate levels.

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