Garvagh Wind Farm

At a Glance

Garvagh Wind Farm is based in County Leitrim, Ireland with a total of 13 wind turbines creating over 26,000kw of power. H&MV subcontracted GRP specialists Relinea to design, build and install a GRP platform to be used at the Garvagh Wind Farm substation
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The design build and installation of a safe working non-conductive platform to enable access to substation switch gear with a design load of 5 Kn/m2.

A non-conductive product was required due to the close proximity of the platform to the switch gear.

In addition, a mobile working platform was required to provide access to the switch gear control panels.


Relinea were subcontracted to design, build and install a fixed GRP platform at the Garvagh Wind Farm substation. Due to the high conductivity of the area, the client required a product that was non-conductive but also provided a durable maintenance free solution.

The GRP platform met and exceeded all of the clients requirements, due to the non-conductivity the platform was required to be earthed making it safe for use in the substation. Relinea’s GRP platforms are maintenance free which reduces the long term costs of the system whilst providing H&MV piece of mind that the product is fit for purpose for the next 25+years.

In addition to this, Relinea were instructed to design and build a mobile platform which would be used to access the switchgear throughout the substation. The lightweight properties of the GRP Mobile Platform allowed for it to be manoeuvred throughout the various areas to gain easy access to the switchgear to carry out vital maintenance.

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