GRP Rooftop Access Platforms, Sudlows, Data Centre, London.

At a Glance

Relinea was appointed by the contractor to provide them with our full GRP Service package for the Rooftop Access Platforms they needed to be installed onto an existing building. Our full package services included the design, supply, and installation.
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Relinea was to design, supply, and install GRP rooftop access platforms to the existing building which resulted in a change of use, more equipment was located on the roof which significantly reduced the available loading for any access platforms. The loading that could be applied on the roof from the platforms was revised several times due to ongoing works on site. The final loading that could be applied was 0.3 kN – less than a person.

The very light loading also presented a few challenges during the installation. The material could not be loaded onto the roof, so each platform had to be dropped into position and connected. The installation was coordinated in a way to ensure that we limited the number of days the crane was required, reducing the costs to the contractor.


Our inhouse GRP Design Team developed a system that could achieve these very onerous design requirements, which were backed up with full design calculations and 3D CAD drawings. Due to the combined approach of our design team and the installation team, the platforms were successfully installed. Upon inspection, the customer is now keen to replace the existing platforms on the roof.

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